Lemony Yogurty Ice-creamy Awesomeness

Hi my wonderful people!

drawing of two lemons and a snowflake
So, this is supposed to depict two lemons and a snowflake representing lemon ice-cream. Genius, right? But as soon as I had outlined the 2 “lemons” I had this thought that it looked like evil eyes, and I have yet to be able to shake that idea, so I’ll share it with you. But I promise, it is, really, just two lemons.

So yesterday was my “Name day”, yep that thing is real. Each day has one or more names and you end up with name days. In my family we celebrate name days with getting to select a dessert or pudding or whatever you want to call it. And traditionally me and my brother go for chocolate pudding, and don’t get me wrong I’m not negating the awesomeness that is chocolate pudding. I just wanted something else, it would be worth analyzing if it wasn’t for the fact that the day before me and my mom made chocolate ganache with chopped nuts. So, I’d just filled up on chocolate. I looked through a lot of my saved recipes and cookbooks for something that felt just right, and I stumbled upon the “Low-fat Lemon Yogurt Ice-cream”, aka Lemony Yogurty Ice-creamy Awesomeness,  recipe in Lorraine Pascale’s cookbook “A Lighter Way to Bake”. In which, btw, you’ll find a similarly awesome cococunt lime loaf, which I might tell you about some other time.

Now for the Ice-cream of deliciousness, I just so happened to think that I should take a bit more lemon than the recipe stated which in the end resulted in that I made some weird combination of 1,5 and 2 times the original recipe. It turned out great anyways so, wohoo! 😀 And, I’m going to give you my convoluted amounts, just to be on the not so completely safe side 😛 We’re four people and I served just the Ice-cream with some optional chopped almonds, perfect amount of ice-cream. Work out how much you want to make from that. Okay, to start of, you definitely need a freezer or an ice-cream machine, we’ve got both but the ice blocks for the machine weren’t frozen so I went with the freezer. 2 small lemons, which you might want to buy organic because you need the zest and just because the zest of non-organic don’t feel that great. But they work too, in both cases make sure to wash thoroughly in hot water. Then squish and press down and roll them a bit on the work surface, that really helps when you’re juicing them later on. So, the 2 lemons, grate the zest and juice the lemons into a bowl. Pour in 525g of as low-fat Greek yogurt you can find, the original recipe says 0%fat but I think I just had a temporary blind spot because the Greek yogurt I used turns out have 10% fat. Yes, I just now checked, as I sort of missed considering that at all yesterday. Add 75ml of skimmed milk, well the recipe says semi-skimmed, but we didn’t have that, and maybe that’s just as well seeing as the yogurt wasn’t exactly 0%… 4,5 tbsp of honey, well maybe it’s not exactly 4,5 I mean some honey always get stuck on the measuring spoon so I add a smidge to compensate and you get the drift. Exactness in cooking and baking isn’t really my thing, if you haven’t gotten that already, I’m more of a “oops, that happend” kind of person in the kitchen. Then I mixed it too a goop, before I sifted in 50ish grams of icing sugar, and yes this is one of the extremely few times I sift stuff, because icing sugar has a tendency to clump and I don’t want that. Mix it in and pour into a, well I used a loaf tin, it works perfect for freezing ice-cream. Then into the freezer, and every 30 odd minutes churn it with a fork and put it back, after 3hrs it should be done and you can devour it or leave it for later or both, somehow. And I say 30 odd because I aimed for 30minutes but I got distracted and lost track of time so it went like 30minutes to 50ish minutes (yeah, more like an hour or so but 50ish sounds better). I would have put an alarm on if I thought it would be ruined by not being churned exactly every 30min, but I didn’t and it wasn’t. But who knows, it might have turned out even better, if that’s even possible. If you happen to have an Ice Cream machine feel free to just dump the mixture into that, turn it on and let it do all the churning and freezing. Either way, it’s a really nice lemon ice-cream in that it’s not too sweet, it’s properly lemony.

A lighter way to bake
This recipe is adapted from Lorraine Pascale’s A Lighter Way to Bake. A great cookbook for tasty and not so guilt-ridden bakes 😀

That’s it, serve it however with whatever you want, or just take a spoon, eat it from the tin and then lie and say you forgot to make it. Or that you spilled everything on the floor or on your person, but just don’t mention it going down your mouth. Or maybe, it turned out horrific and you can’t in good conscience serve it. There you go, some options, I’m sure there’s even more possible solutions. Enjoy!


‘Til next time, devour something lemony! 😀